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- georgeann bianchi on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Lyle Verbilion on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Julie Weeder on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Lyle Verbilion on Ghif or Jif? How to Pronounce the .gif Extension
As Lyle Mentioned
- Emergency Essentials Freeze Dried stuff and Emergency Gear.
- Glenn Campbell, Free Sleeper Area 51 guy, and so much more
- Honeyville Food Products Freeze Dried goodness in a can.
- Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools You might as well consume stuff that really works.
- Max Lyon's Panorama Stuff Panorama software and pictures and other stuff.
- Pandora Music service that I actually pay for!
- Techdirt Business and the Internet, together again for the first time!
- The American Southwest Places to go, things to see. You’ll be glad you did.
- Weather Underground The best weather website.
- You want to buy my t-shirts. And Calendars. And maybe other stuff. Really.
Category Archives: Independent Research
Oatmeal Sleepover
I want to talk about overnight oats. By eating oats every other day, I’ve lowered my cholesterol amazingly. And don’t get me started about the fiber! But once I got into the habit, I began using more and more ingredients, … Continue reading
Posted in Independent Research
Tagged breakfast, food, oatmeal, overnight, recomendation
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Bicycling Stuff
I ride a bicycle for exercise, around residential streets and the loop around the park. The bike is nearly 20 years old. I paid $300 for it at a bike shop, and they did a pretty good job of setting … Continue reading
Posted in Independent Research
Tagged bicycle accessories, bike stuff, recomendation
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Coffee in Your Dreams
One way or another, all coffee is made with a strainer. I recall my parent’s percolator. It’s still sitting on top of my refrigerator. It’s a white Corningware pitcher with blue flowers painted on it, and insides made out of … Continue reading
Soapy Sales
So I hear you saying, “Yeah, Lyle, I like washing up as much as the next person, but I just can’t get behind this Dr. Bronner’s stuff you talk about. It’s like too radical. It’s against my religious/political beliefs. It’s … Continue reading
Posted in Independent Research, Maybe I Worry Too Much
Tagged soap; Dr. Bronner; Kirk's
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MicroFiber is Gigantic!
I remember back when it was called polyester. It made me sweat too much, and I smelled bad. So I made a vow that I would never wear this stuff ever again! But I’ve finally found another purpose for it. … Continue reading
Posted in Independent Research, Maybe I Worry Too Much
Tagged microfiber, recommend, towels, washcloths
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Space Ballpoints!
The Fisher Space Pen: it writes in Zero gravity, upside down, underwater, through oil. US Astronauts used one on the Apollo-Soyuz mission. Despite the packaging, I don’t think any ever traveled to the moon. They were made after that had … Continue reading
Occupy Tomatoes
My wife’s mom makes a garden every year. Though she lives over 500 miles away, we still accumulate more butternut squash than you can shake a salt shaker at. And turnips turn up on our doorstep quite frequently. Mmmmmmm, so … Continue reading
Posted in Independent Research, Maybe I Worry Too Much
Tagged occupy, recomendation, tomatoes
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Aftershave Afterburners
Wow, I spend a lot of time talking about hygiene, huh? Like decent aftershave. Aftershave should smell fresh and exciting, for about 3-1/2 minutes. Then it should go away and leave me alone. I don’t want to smell it any … Continue reading
The Soap Stops Here
Previously on Lyle Verbilion’s From What I Can Tell: Some day I will post a review of brands of bar soap that I have known and loved. For the impatient, Skin Trip Coconut and Dr. Bronner’s Eucalyptus are my faves. … Continue reading
It’s a gas Gas GAS!
Self-serve gas stations do not exist in New Jersey and Oregon. Gas stations there actually pay people to pump your gas. I don’t know why. Across the rest of America, self-serve alone survives. It used to be every gas station … Continue reading