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- Lyle Verbilion on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- georgeann bianchi on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Lyle Verbilion on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Julie Weeder on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Lyle Verbilion on Ghif or Jif? How to Pronounce the .gif Extension
As Lyle Mentioned
- Emergency Essentials Freeze Dried stuff and Emergency Gear.
- Glenn Campbell, Free Sleeper Area 51 guy, and so much more
- Honeyville Food Products Freeze Dried goodness in a can.
- Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools You might as well consume stuff that really works.
- Max Lyon's Panorama Stuff Panorama software and pictures and other stuff.
- Pandora Music service that I actually pay for!
- Techdirt Business and the Internet, together again for the first time!
- The American Southwest Places to go, things to see. You’ll be glad you did.
- Weather Underground The best weather website.
- You want to buy my t-shirts. And Calendars. And maybe other stuff. Really.
Tag Archives: rant
It’s a gas Gas GAS!
Self-serve gas stations do not exist in New Jersey and Oregon. Gas stations there actually pay people to pump your gas. I don’t know why. Across the rest of America, self-serve alone survives. It used to be every gas station … Continue reading
The Default American Way?
People who make promises and don’t keep them are scumballs. As Tom Hanks always says: You can’t just say, “I promise,” then forget about it. “I promise” are the most important words you’ll ever say… well almost the most important … Continue reading
End Taxation Now
I may not be your average American, but at least I try to act normal. So why do I need advanced mathematical knowledge to calculate my take-home pay? And when I go to the store, why do I need to … Continue reading
Scooby Who?
I used to be a Scooby-Doo expert. That is, there was a time when I could say that I’d seen every Scooby-Doo show multiple times, and was knowledgeable about every single story. But somewhere along they way, they lost me. … Continue reading
Posted in Vidi
Tagged childhood, DVD, memory, movie, rant, recomendation, Scooby Doo
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3-Day Weekends
Recently in America, we celebrated Labor Day. Whoa, I hear you say, why don’t you celebrate Labor Day on May 1st, like most everybody else in the world?! It’s because of our 3-day weekends. Firstly, we Americans don’t celebrate any … Continue reading