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- Lyle Verbilion on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- georgeann bianchi on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Lyle Verbilion on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Julie Weeder on Cranberry Muffins of Love
- Lyle Verbilion on Ghif or Jif? How to Pronounce the .gif Extension
As Lyle Mentioned
- Emergency Essentials Freeze Dried stuff and Emergency Gear.
- Glenn Campbell, Free Sleeper Area 51 guy, and so much more
- Honeyville Food Products Freeze Dried goodness in a can.
- Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools You might as well consume stuff that really works.
- Max Lyon's Panorama Stuff Panorama software and pictures and other stuff.
- Pandora Music service that I actually pay for!
- Techdirt Business and the Internet, together again for the first time!
- The American Southwest Places to go, things to see. You’ll be glad you did.
- Weather Underground The best weather website.
- You want to buy my t-shirts. And Calendars. And maybe other stuff. Really.
Tag Archives: website
Where to go?
Sometimes you just know. From somewhere deep beyond your uvula you hear the words: “This year we go to Indianapolis!” Sometimes you’re not so sure, and from somewhere past your sinuses you hear: “Or maybe Albuquerque?” Besides the Best in … Continue reading
It’s a Wunderground World After All
No matter where you go, there you are. With the weather. Just as rust never sleeps, neither does the atmosphere. So what are you going to do about it? Me personally, I haven’t decided yet. Until I have decided, I … Continue reading
Posted in Webbish
Tagged forecast, good, prediction, recomendation, weather, website
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Clean Your Doors of Perception with TechDirt!!!
I love TechDirt. You should too!!! Or else. I don’t know what they do in real life, but on the web, they talk about business and the Internet. Often they criticize media companies for outdated business models. Sometimes they praise … Continue reading
Freeze Dried Fruit and Veggies
I hate buying produce. Sure, fruits and veggies are good for you. They’re even tasty! But they turn bad faster than fresh zombies or vampires. Frozen broccoli and Brussels sprouts are fine and store really well. If you have time … Continue reading
Posted in Webbish
Tagged end of the world, food, freeze dried, fruit, recomendation, vegetables, website
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Back in 2002 I bought my first fancy digital camera. I researched it for months. It was the Minolta Dimage 7. What I like about it now is that it has a lousy Infra-red filter, so I can talk IR … Continue reading
Whatever Happened to Lullaby Baxter?
You already know about Pandora, right? Not the planet, the web music thingy. I’m still disappointed that they don’t let me use set theory operators like intersection or union or maybe a logical XOR between different artists/songs. Where do Disney … Continue reading
Posted in Musica, Webbish
Tagged CD, Lullaby Baxter, music, Pandora Music, recomendation, website
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Kevin’s Kool Tools & the Best Tent Camping
Another website that I stop by every day is Keven Kelly’s Cool Tools. Once a day they post a review of some Cool Tool. Often it is something that I would never consider using in the whole wide earth. Sometimes … Continue reading
Posted in Bookses, Webbish
Tagged Best in Tent Camping, book, camping, CoolTools, recomendation, website
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He calls it Free Sleeping
There’s this guy, let’s call him Glenn Campbell. No, not the singer. This guy is some kind of expert on Area 51. But I don’t believe in Area 51 so I really can’t comment. He’s got a lot of websites. … Continue reading